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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Practice as Entertainment

Anyone who plays or watches golf has had the fantasy of walking on a course and, suddenly, playing like Tiger Woods. Every one who has listened to good rock music has the fantasy of stepping on a stage and ripping off an Eric Clapton guitar solo. If you love baseball, you have likely pictured yourself striding to the plate to hit the grand slam homer off a top pitcher to win the World Series.

Well, good luck to you. Odd are against you. To a degree it is a matter of innate talent, but to a larger degree, it is a matter of practice. All great athletes, artists, and entertainers have spent long, long hours practicing, homing their skills. They all make it cleat that, to a degree, they enjoy practice, at least for a while. Of course, as they grow older, the practice gets a bit boring, but by that time, they have the skills.

The great golfer Ben Hogan was once asked how he could spend hours on the practice range. He replied that iy was a matter of how you looked at it. The questioner thought Hogan was working. Hogan pointed out that, to hum, practice was as much fun as playing the game.

There is your clue. If you want to become good at anything, must practice and the only way to dedicate yourself to the practice is to have fun with it. You may never be Tiger Woods or Eric Clapton, but you can become competent at your chosen pastime.

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