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Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I am a dog person. Having said that, I like cats well enough. I currently live in a place where pets are forbidden, but there is a stray cat that seems to have adopted the place. The fact that our next door neighbor feeds her probably has influenced that adoption,

I have become fascinated by the little creature. She is small and just the fact that she has survived for two years, that I know of, as a stray, indicates her intelligence. She is manipulative having learned that a pitiful meowing will likely get her some food (not from me; I have never seen a stray cat that cannot find food) and, as such, no longer hunts in the nearby woods. Here and there though, I watch her return to her instincts and stalk various little critters.

On cold nights and rainy days, she turns up the volume on the meowing and gets quite indignant if ignored and will for a spell. ignore those who ignored her. Then, she realizes that she is missing out on easy meals and comes meowing back.

I don't pet her because I don't want her getting attached (we're moving soon) but the neighbors do. It is rare that a stray cat allows human contact, but she is an odd little cat.

Many years ago, I kept cats. I doubt I will again, but, they are a lot of fun. If you have a little room and a minimum of time, they are a nice pet. Do a good deed though, and get one from a shelter.

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