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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Movie Remakes - A Suggestion

The movie industry turns out remakes of old movies, some of them with great regularity. I have a suggestion for a remake of a movie only made once, in 1935.

I have in mind Charles Dickens' great story, A Tale of Two Cities. It is a story of the horrors of the French Revolution and, like many of his stories, is somewhat like a grand soap opera. It is a tale of love, betrayal, secrets, hidden family relationships, identities lost and identities mixed. It is complicated, to say the least, and maybe that's why it is not remade. Perhaps they believe that audiences could not follow all the twists and turns. Or, maybe, they cannot figure a way to get a car chase or space ship into to the story.

On the other hand, it does have killings, many, many killings, with a lot of blood, so that should get some attention. It even, at heart is the tale of a demented serial killer, only the killer is the French people. The Guillotine alone, should bring in the crowds.

All kidding aside, it is an important story, dealing with the results of insane repressions by one class against the other and the horror that comes when the tables are turned. Most of all, it is a great story of love, heroism, and sacrifice.

After 81 years, it is time to remake this wonderful story.

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