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Monday, January 16, 2017

Entertaining at the Inaugural

It seems that many major performers are refusing to do their thing at Friday's Presidential Inaugural  Ceremony. Who cares?

The Inaugural is a political event, not a night club show. Of course, some pageantry is involved and it is, in its way, impressive. It is a ritual of our Nation and a way of showing the World that we can change without violence and upheaval. Any entertainers who choose to perform should do so, but they must realize that they are not why people are watching.

I have heard that many high school matching bands will be there. Great. It should be a wonderful experience and an honor those kids will remember for a life time. I have heard that some Country entertainers will be playing. Fine, the traditional music of America should be there. There are plenty of talented people in America who would love to perform at this huge event. Any who don't, don't. You won't be missed.

Actually, I would be far happier if the performances were limited to amateurs and little known talents.  There are some very gifted folks who get no exposure and this would be a thrill for them. Let the big name, spoiled brat celebrities stay away. We'll all have some fun without them.

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