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Monday, January 2, 2017

Movies and Comic Heros

In recent years, film makers have tackled about every hero ever created in comic books and comic strips. We have had countless Batmen and Supermen; we've had Hulks and Thors and Spidermen and Ironmen. We've seen X-Men and The Fantastic Four, and going back a few tears, we had the awesome Conan.

I am going to remind film makers of another great comic strip that would make an fantastic movie, Terry and the Pirates.

This strip was around for many years and had one of the best story lines around. Terry was a young American adventurer, seeking his fortune in China, the pre-Chairman Mao China. He was involved in a world of intrigue, mixing with warlords, spies, ex-patriot Americans and shady Europeans, in a dark, complex lawless world. And, of course, there were pirates; thieves and smugglers, sinister and murderous, led by a fantastic character, the Dragon Lady.

The strip was daring for its time, with a female as the lead villain and about as much sex and violence as a newspaper comic strip could get away with. The adventures of Terry and his many strange accomplices were great, entertaining fun.

I just wonder why this fine hero has been overlooked. True, he has no super powers, but neither does Batman. A film maker, with a decent budget and a good imagination could turn good old Terry in to a fine movie. Actually, since, over the strip's lifetime, many plots unfolded, this could make series of films. Think, Indiana Jones, only much darker.

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