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Thursday, January 5, 2017


Raising a garden, be it a full size vegetable patch or a window box or just a few flowers near the front steps, is a wonderful pastime. It brings beauty into your life and keeps you grounded, in touch with the basics of life.

You need very little, some decent dirt, something to dig with, and some seeds or seedlings or even grown plants. That will do. Just learn what the plants you wan and need to thrive, and provide it, when possible. Of course, there are limits. You cannot grow palm trees, outdoors, in Michigan, or Blue Spruce Trees in the desert, but, within reason and with some planning, you can grow something you like where you live.

Even with little space, you can grow something. I like having some potted fresh herbs growing in the kitchen. My Grandmother, used to take sweet potatoes, cut off the end, stick toothpicks around it, and suspend it in a vase of water. In no time, she had a lovely little vine. She would get a few violet leaves from a neighbor, root them (basically, stick the leaf in some soil and keep it damp) and would line her windowsills with pretty little violets. Then, around her front steps, they had a very tiny house, she would plant wild periwinkles that she found growing in nearby vacant lots.

The time you spend gardening, and it can be as much or a little as you wish, is always time well spent. It soothes the soul and provides hours of simple, wholesome pleasure.

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