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Monday, January 23, 2017

Politics as Entertainment

I cannot speak for any other Nation, but, in America, politics is a grand form of entertainment. Of course, there is serious business  to be done, but this last election has been a lot more fun than almost any thing else on TV.

During the campaign, Donald Trump's campaign speeches were far funnier than any stand up comedians routine. he reminded me of Lenny Bruce with less obscenity. Then, seeing Hillary's confused response to his rising popularity was hysterically funny. A team of comedy script writers could not have written better routines.

The recent displays of celebrity indignation at Trump's election have certainly been annoying, but looked at in a different way, they have been a hoot.  Here we have these over paid, spoiled brats daring to stand up and criticize the American people is like a high satire. They are so insulated from reality that they have no idea what people are living through and that makes their pomposity so ludicrous as to make it laughable. Every time I see it, I feel like I'm watching clips from a Robert Altman film.

At the other end of the spectrum, you have the Inauguration parade. I'm not real big on marching band, but those who performed put on a fine show. I/m also not big on nostalgia, but I was reminded of the days when, in small towns and big cities, almost every holiday was celebrated with a parade. It was nice and it is sort of sad that it is a rite that has pretty much disappeared. In addition, the bands and marchers did a very fine job.

Now, we have the tension between the new Administration and the Old Guard building rapidly to a fever pitch. It is high drama at its finest. So, turn off, at least here and there, the run of the mill TV programming and watch some of this political drama unfold. It is fine dram and, here and there, you get some laughs.

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