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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Entertainment and Politics

In recent weeks, we have witnessed the complete meltdown of many entertainers over the election of Donald Trump. I normally do not bring up politics in the blog, but I have to say one thing to these spoiled brats. "Get over yourselves."

From Springsteen to Madonna to Merle Streep, from Samuel Jackson to Steven King to Cher, celebrities seem to believe that we have elected the Antichrist. We have not. The American people have chosen a leader who they feel will represent the views and interests of the average folks. Seemingly, this does not correspond to what our celebrity elite think are our best interests and they are aghast, appalled that we dare disagree with them.

They do not understand in the least why we are ignoring their beliefs. They should be asking themselves, why would we listen to them? Just because you can play a decent role in a movie does not mean the you understand foreign affairs. Singing a song, does not mean that you are qualified to enter a scientific discussion of climate change. Telling a few jokes does not entitle you to tell people who actually work for a living how their tax money should be spent.

So, all of you entertainers should remember something. Americans can always find other people to sing and act and tell jokes. We don't need you. But, without us, you have nothing. Why, you might even have to go out and do some honest hard work and, trust me, you couldn't stand up to one day of it. Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert DiNiro, Whoopie Goldberg, and all the rest of you, need to retreat to a corner, shut up, and just be glad you have made a bunch of money off the rest of us, the folks who work for a living..

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