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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Holiday Entertaining

This is the season for parties. There are a few things to keep in mind.

Know your crowd. Are they all of a certain religious belief, are they varied,  or do they celebrate the holidays as secularists. If all are devoutly Christian, things are easy, since, Christmas is obviously a Christian holiday. If Jewish folks are invited, you may want to tone down the Christian vibe,
If most are secular, the same holds although most folks are tolerant of some acknowledgement of the religious heritage behind the Holiday. I really am none too sure what to do of guests are Moslem or celebrants of Kwanza. If anyone can tell me, please leave a comment.

As far as drinks, if you serve alcohol, make sire you have some non alcoholic options, for non drinkers and designated drivers. Also, realize that some folks have problems with drink. No one should tell such a person, 'oh, one won't hurt.' Respect their resolve to abstain.

When it comes to food, again, have options. Some don't eat meat, so you want to have at least one tasty, hearty option. Same with sweet; some cannot eat them. Never encourage people to overeat; some have diets they need to stick to.

Of presents are to be exchanged, make sure everyone knows the ground rules, such as price limits. You do not want anyone embarrassed.

Your holiday gatherings can be a memorable joy or an equally memorable nightmare. A little planning reduces the chance of the latter.

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