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Friday, December 2, 2016

TV Live Human Cartoons

Occasionally, when bored and nothing else is on, I watch Burn Notice and NCIS LA. Both are exceptionally stupid shows if you try to take them seriously. I do not believe that you can go about shooting countless people on the streets of LA without being called to task by the local police. True, the LA PD has a less than spotless reputation, but even they won't tolerate countless, public, multiple homicides, even by government agents.

I grew up in S. Florida, and while I have no admiration for the Miami PD, I know that they would not tolerate that antics presented in Burn Notice. For sure, in the 80s, the days of the Cocaine Cowboys, the streets were often littered with bodies, but the Burn Notice gang seems intent on blowing up huge chunks of Miami, and that is, even there, a no-no.

So, both these shows, if watched seriously, are inane, however they are entertaining if viewed as nothing more than cartoons with real human actors. After all, in cartoons and comic books, action heroes can do anything with no consequences. The only problem is that some of our less balanced citizens take the whole thing seriously.

On the whole, both are pretty enjoyable action cartoons. NCIS LA has an added bonus, the background music. Normally, I am not much aware of that, but NCIS LA has its music dome by Jay Ferguson, who back in the 60s was lead singer for an incredibly good and incredibly underrated band, Spirit. He does a fine job on the show's music.

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