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Thursday, November 17, 2016

TV - What Happened?

I seem to be in a complaining mood these days, so let me get this out. What has happened to TV?

Now, TV is not a really big thing in my life, but, like most people, I enjoy watching good programming. The thing is, I cannot find much. The networks put out a few silly comedies and, a few dramatic shows. The dramatic shows are mostly of the continuing series sort. I do not want to get wrapped up in them because I cannot always tune in. I the past, shows were stand alone episodes mostly, but, no more. In addition, many of the dramas are idiotic superhero programs or even more inane crime dramas.

Much of the other programming is the most inane of all, reality shows. They have nothing to do with reality. In fact they are just cheap programming. The producers get away without paying actors and writers.

There is sports programming and I watch some, but stop and think, A football game has a one hour time limit; that is the rule. In days gone by, A game took, with time outs and stopped clocks, about 2 to 2 and !/2 hours. Now, with pregame and long half times a game takes 3 to 3 and 1/2 hours. In that time, you are actually seeing only a very few minutes of action. Same with baseball. I have seen games that were played in less than two hours. That was in the days when pitchers threw strikes and were expected to go 9 innings; relief pitching was minimal. Not long a go, I put on a game that had been on over 2 hours and they were only in the 4th inning. I turned it off.

Cable channels are the worst. They seem to only own a few bits of old programming and a few movies, and run them repeatedly.

I suppose that if crumby TV is my biggest problem in life I am very blessed. Still, it would be nice to be able to sit back and watch something worthwhile. Oh well, that's why I read so much, and I gyess that's better.

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