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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Board Games

Way  back in the age of the dinosaurs, before, computers and video games, folks often entertained themselves by playing board games. They were all fairly simple and required no great strategy and, as such, were suitable for the whole family. Instead of crowding around the TV or the computer, families, friends, and groups of kids, played board games.

Checkers, Parcheesi. Rook, Risk, Chinese Checkers, Monopoly, The Game of Life, were a few popular games. You could spend hours playing them and they were a great way to pass an evening or a rainy afternoon.

They basically all had the same goal. You moved pieces toward a goal and your opponent tried to block them, and, of course, they moved and you blocked. Moves were set by spinning a wheel, throwing dice, or hopping over pieces in a set manner.

True, you had no flashing lights or electronic squeals, but, you had the pleasure of passing the time with fellow humans. I find that more satisfying.

I saw on Antique Roadshow that some of these games, in mint condition, are very collectible and have some value. But, the real value is in the playing. I do know that one game is still played by very powerful people. The folks running various nations seem to be constantly playing Risk, only they play with real lives. Maybe they should all sit down with the board game and decide things that way.

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