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Friday, November 11, 2016

What Are You People Thinking?

Today, I am going to act like a grumpy old man, but I have to get this off my chest. I have written about my dislike of rap, hip hop, whatever you want to call it. I have, since the first time I heard it, considered it a childish attempt to make music by people with no musical talent. I go out of my way to avoid hearing it.

Recently, while watching a little campaign coverage, I caught a bit of Jay-Z's act at a  Clinton event. It was despicable. It was loud, droning electronic squealing, backed by simple minded percussion, and interspersed with strings of idiotic profanity.

I don't mind loud. I grew up with Hendrix and Cream and Zeppelin. I do object to loud with no point. I do mind simple percussion, but I can overlook that. I do not mind profanity in its place. I read many authors who use a lot of it and, on occasion, have let fly myself with a string that would shame a drunken sailor (apologies to all drunken sailors). I do mind mindless repetition of nothing else? Don't people even remember how to use words anymore? Is this what we are reduced to?  

These idiots are not musicians and they are not artists. At best they are con men who have figured out a formula for getting rich off of the publics ignorance. At worst, they are vicious thugs who are spewing their hatred for everything and getting rich off the bile they vomit up. Hearing that nonsense made me feel like I was being assaulted, and in fact, that may be the point, to make the Audience feel afraid and edgy. It is complete crap and anyone who listens has some serious mental issues.

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