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Wednesday, November 23, 2016


I have always believed that Thanksgiving should be a day dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure. Of course, we should all take the time to express thanks for all that we have and those we love, but I can think of no better way to express that than by relaxing and enjoying the day.

From morning wake up until the last sip of eggnog and last nibble of pie, simple enjoyment should be your day's motto. Eat whatever and however much you want (unless, of course, you have some medical restriction). If you want to veg out and watch football, great. Want to play touch football, great. Shopping, movies, games, reading, whatever you want is just fine. Remember though, everyone you are around has the same right to pursue their own particular pleasure. You do not have to spend every waking moment of the holiday together, although if you both want that, do that.

There is some work involved. Help with what you can. Realize that whoever is doing the food prep also wants to relax, so do not insist that they create some fantastically complex dish that requires 4v hours and a culinary degree. Simple and easy should be the key words.

In short, have fun. Happy Thanksgiving.

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