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Monday, November 14, 2016

Two More Artists Gone

I was greatly saddened over the last few days to learn that 2 fine artists have passed away, Leonard Cohen and Leon Russell. I, long ago, came to grips with the issue of mortality, so, I am not saddened because it brings to mind my own mortality. I am sad because these were 2 fine, original minds, and we have too few of those left.

Cohen was, at heart, a poet, who took up song writing and became one of the best. Dylan, deservedly, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but you could make an equally valid case for Cohen. Dylan was different. He wrote in a funkier, folk-country-blues style, and, mostly, kept his lyrics grounded in those forms (excepting his surreal period of Gates of Eden, etc.). Cohen wrote on a more literate level, but he never was overly academic, nor did he talk down to his audience. He never wore the mantle of poet. He simply wrote songs that dealt with human life. His works were erotic, sad,  funny and, often,  brutally honest.

Leon Russell was a completely different sort of artist. He spent years as a studio musician playing in records by people as divers as Sonny& Cher, The Beachboys, and The Byrds. Without Russell and a group of other studio musicians known sometimes as the Wrecking Crew and sometimes as the Oklahoma Mafia, many of the era's great pop and rock albums would not have been made. He then organized a tour with Joe Cocker,, the Mad Dogs and Englishmen Tour. Ultimately, he took over the tour when Cocker started showing up too drunk to perform. He then went on to a great solo career. He was gifted song writer, good guitar player and a great pianist, who played rock, pop and country. His voice was unique, and, admittedly took a little getting used to, but it was wonderfully expressive.

I hear little in todays pop, rock, and country that has any sort of originality. That's being kind. In truth, most of it is watery, insipid slush. Is there no one out there with a true original musical thought? Or is it just that those running the music business just refuse to hear anything that does not fit the accepted modes? Either way, the loss of 2 such original and talented artists is a sad thing.

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