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Monday, February 13, 2017

Tiger Woods

I write occasionally about golf and I would like to say a few words about Tiger Woods and his latest travails.

Tiger was, for about ten years, the best golfer in history. That really cannot be argued. The great Jack Nicklaus, was as dominant. I was always most amazed by Tiger's incredible concentration. Yes, he had amazing skills, but it was that concentration, that ability to completely focus, that set him apart.

However, Nicklaus lasted longer. He did wind up with back and knee problems but not until late in his career. Woods began suffering injures in his mid-thirties and has not been the same since. Now, 4 knee surgeries and 3 back surgeries later, he continues to attempt comebacks and it is sad.

As someone who has suffered greatly with back troubles let me say that you are never the same again. Even when you are not in pain, a part of you remembers the hurt and will restrain your motion. Same goes for knee problems, which I have also suffered.

Woods has one option. He could change his swing to put less strain on his back. With his knowledge of the game, he could likely do that and still be competitive, However, he would lose power and length. It seems that his pride and his desire to compete on even terms with long hitters like Dustin Johnson and Jason Day prevents him from considering this option.

It would be great for golf to see him make a big comeback. He won't. Right now, he is in danger of becoming an all too familiar figure, the athlete who stays in the game too long. Those close to him should urge him to retire. It is better to be remembered for the greatness of your youth than the pitiful performances of your middle age.

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