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Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Spring Training is about to begin and the baseball season will soon start. I have not watched a lot of baseball in recent years, but this year, I might.

I grew up as an enormous fan and that continued well into my adult life. In recent years, I grew indifferent to the game, put off by spoiled, over paid athletes and incompetent players. The high salaries and diva like players I have grown to tolerate, but since I remember how the game can and should be played, I am insulted at the poor performances I witnessed.

Last year, though, I watched a few games and was delithfull surprised to see throws going to the right bases, pitchers backing up plays, and outfielders who understood the concept of cut off men,

The game is fascinating when played correctly, full of strategy and there is little in sports as exciting as the 9th inning in a close game.

So, come April, I am looking forward to hearing an Umpire call, "Play Ball.:

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