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Monday, February 27, 2017

The Oscars

Last night was the Academy Award show. I didn't watch. I have not been to a movie in years. In part, and you can call me cheap, I don't go because I refuse to pay a minimum of $10 to go. Sorry, that is outrageous and I am not paying that to sit in a noisy theater.

Especially when there is not a movie out there I want to see. I look at ads and reviews, and, nothing. The comedies look inane. The action movies are so centered around explosions and shootings and special effects that there seems to be no story. If I want to watch violence, I can watch the news.

Science fiction has given way to a plethora of comic book superheroes and/or movies that seem to be deep metaphysical tales of past and future contacts with our ancient alien creators. Sorry, but I don't believe that ET started the human race.

Adventure movies were always my favorites and, they are no longer made. Call me an relic but I loved movies like Sparticus, Treasure Island, Lawrence of Arabia, Papillion. movies that transported you to exotic lands and times and gave you real human characters being tested to their limits.

So, I am afraid that I have no comments on the recent awards. I simply don't care.

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