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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Listen to Your World

I love music. To me, it is the highest art form. In books, the artist works with words. Painters and sculptures work with solid materials. The musician works with the vibrations of air. Just think, they work with a totally intangible medium and produce works of great beauty.

Nature is musical. Next time you have time to spare, listen to your surroundings. Indoors, you might hear the hum of various appliances the rustling of papers, the mixing of foods and drinks, snatches of music and TV, the sounds of family and pets, maybe even sounds seeping in from outside.

All of that is wonderful, but nothing compared to what is outside your door. It is like the difference between good pop music and grand symphony. Outdoors, you hear birds and trees and insects, each doing their thing and creating wonderful sounds. On some days, they are joined by wind and rain and, on exceptional days, the booming of thunder, in many permutations, joins in. Blended in, if you live in towns and cities, you have the rumble of traffic, punctuated by horn honks and tire squeals. Toss in the sounds of, calling greetings, shouting questions and answers, sometimes yelling ad cursing in anger. often topped off with the great sounds of the machinery of human industry.

Looked at one way, all of that is just random noise, an almost overwhelming cacophony. But, if you relax and let it come to you, you will begin to notice rhythms and harmonies constantly changing and always surprising. A beauty is seen, albeit a strange beauty, but beauty none the less.

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