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Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Future of Entertainment

I don't watch a lot of the spectacular events on TV and I don't go to big, splashy shows. But, I do see bits and pieces on TV news shows and on line and I am wondering, what's left?

David Copperfield's magic routine, the one where he makes planes and large building disappear, is no longer a surprise. I guess he can move onto entire cities, maybe the whole planet, but even that would grow tiresome to today's jaded audiences.

Super Bowl half time shows have evolved from marching bands to mini-rock concerts. Music award shows now have to include elaborate performances. Not long ago, Pink Floyd's elaborate shows were state of the art spectaculars. Now,any band playing in any small club, best have lasers and fireworks.

In many cases the shows seem to have morphed from performances into rituals, occult symbols all over and dances that would be fitting in the ancient Mystery Schools. And, guess what? All of this will become tiresome and audiences will demand more and more outrageous behavior. Can live sex acts at the Grammy Awards be next? The only thing past that would be sacrificial rites, live on stage.

Where will it stop? If you believe that human behavior cannot become so depraved that blood rites are don publicly, you should read a little history.

The Spectacular has replaced the Artistic and, in our current strange environment, nothing would surprise me. Well, one thing would. I would admit surprise if folks would make it clear that they want the Artistic to again take the forefront.

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