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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Expand Your Musical World

We all have our favorite musical genre. That's fine, but if you just give a listen to some other styles, you may be surprised at how much you like some different things.

When I grew up, rock and r&b were the big things. Okay, that was fine, but I knew some unusual folks and, through them, I was exposed to traditional folk and blues and jazz and my world expanded. As I grew older. When I went away to college, I became exposed to classical music and the world opened more. When I went back to South Florida, the demographics had changed and I started hearing Latin music and that was a further expansion.

From there, I grew even more exploratory, listening to music from India, the Mid East, Indonesia, China and Japan. I sought out folk music from places as diverse as Ireland, Norway and Nigeria. I became an almost obsessive fan of Brazilian music.

All of this expands your mind, something we all can use.

Of course you will still have your favorites (in my case, jazz) and least favor (I loathe hip hop and most heavy metal), but, by hearing the music of other cultures, I am more able to understand the people, and we all need to understand each other better.

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