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Monday, December 19, 2016

A Christmas Carol

Tis the season for some Dickens. A Christmas without his A Christmas Carol would seem lacking to me. It was my Dad's favorite and it was part of our Holiday when I was growing up.

It is a fine book. Short and very readable, it is funny and dramatic and a bit scary. Yes, it is also corny and sentimental, but that is a big part of traditional Christmases.

There have been many film versions of the story and all are worthy, but the best is the 1951 version starring Alastair Sims. He was a comedian and plays Scrooge with a certain humor that I believe Dickens would have loved.

This is my only post this week on this site, so until next week, Merry Christmas, and as Tiny Tim said, "God Bless us, one and all."

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