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Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas Carols

I hope you live somewhere that has some kind of group that will be doing Christmas carols. Hearing live caroling is one of the Holiday's great joys. Whether it be a group of kids, going door to door (is that still done? if not, it should be) or a Church choir or some community group, Hearing carols sung is the best way to put the Season's joy in your heart.

If nothing else, why not sing them around your house. Have the family join in or treat them to a solo performance. Can't sing? Who cares? It is the thought and joy that counts.

Listen to them on the radio on CD or even on TV shows. Why not? The Season only comes once a year.

Gathering and singing is one of mankind's oldest and loveliest pastimes, as old, if not even older, than story telling and the Christmas season gives us all a chance to relive this ancient tradition.

Not religious? Why let that stop you? There are countless secular Christmas songs and it is really that feeling of specialness that makes the season glow.

Christmas is more than shopping. I know, every year people say that. Try actually living that truth and you will have a more fulfilling and joyous season. Merry Christmas

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