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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Art of Conversation

Here, in the USA, we just elected a President who once wrote (well, had ghost written) a book titled The Art of the Deal. Well, human interactions should not, must not, be reduced to economic shell games. I am proposing that we revive one of the most pleasant of human pastimes, conversation.
From the oldest days of human history, conversation has been our primary form of entertainment.

Now, here in America, I see that we have lost the ability to talk with each other. I have been told that such is not the case in other countries. I have no first hand knowledge of that, never having had the chance to travel abroad, but if this is true, you are to be congradulated. Here, between computer games, TV, and texting, talk between people has become a series of short sound bites. I worked in a restaurant for a while and saw families come in  for a nice dinner, only to see phones come out of pockets. Children started twitching their fingers in a frenzy of texting and grown ups were immediately blue tooth connected and talking business, or internet connected and checking news and stock quotes. This was not an isolated occurrence; it was the norm.

It would be a fine idea to change this, return to that simple and disappearing act of conversing. Turn off the TV, shut down the gaming, cut yourself off from the internet, for at least an hour or two and just sit and talk. That's all. Let the talk drift where it wants. Let it be serious or light or a mix of both. Let it be topic oriented or simple, silly, stupid babbling. Just talk. You will learn, or relearn that conversation is a wonderful, entertaining way to pass the time. Humans can be a lot more fun than flickering pixels and sound bites.

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