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Friday, August 12, 2016

The Olympics

I have surprised myself by watching a fair amount of Olympic coverage. I suppose it's because of golf's return to the Games. I am a huge golf fan and have been impressed by the play. I had thought that, due to many conditions in Rio, the Games would be disastrous  So far,  all is going, well, okay, in that there have been no calamities.

That is not to say things have gone well. The athletes are doing alright, mostly, but spectators are having a few spots of bother. Cybercrime is tapping bank accounts, serious violence is breaking out in the slums, stray bullets have found there way into the media center and the equestrian ring (no horses were there, thankfully). and there are food shortages.

There is a noticeable lack of volunteers since many are not showing up again after receiving their gift of a watch for volunteering, and some are not receiving notice of what to do once there.

Then there are water issues. Rowers are livid over the pollution they are rowing through and some of the pools have turned green and are stinging the eyes of competitors. One swimmer's hair has turned green. Officials declared this 'mysterious,' until today, when they admitted that they simply did not have enough chemicals to properly treat the water, an unforgivable oversight.

But that pales into insignificance when a recent news alert reported the shooting, in the head, of an Olympic official who made a wrong turn into a slum.

Still however, nothing completely disastrous has happened, although there are still 9 days left. But, again, oddly enough for me, none of this is spoiling a bit of it for me. Maybe, as I age, I simply do not expect any better or, maybe, I just don't care as much about problems, at least not enough to let them spoil things.

I have watched a little basketball, swimming, and rowing, a lot of golf and tennis and have become totally addicted to rugby. I hope to see a bit of boxing and weight lifting and maybe some wrestling. Maybe I will be lucky enough to catch some of the more obscure sports, those are always fun. Any way, I am going to enjoy this and hope that nothing goes any worse happens.

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