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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Animal Olympics

I have been enjoying this years Olympic Games. The athletes are truly amazing but, this morning, I saw great displays of athleticism in the back yard.

I stood in awe, watching the squirrels chasing each other, leaping from branch to branch, scaling tall trees and darting across the grass and over the rocks. I saw birds flitting through the air, at full speed, twisting and darting between branches not 6 inches apart.

I watched closer and began to appreciate the flight of bees and butterflies, hovering, suspended over blossoms, of ants carrying many time their own weight over mounds of sand that must seem to them like the Rocky Mountains, and watched a grasshopper making astounding leaps.

We humans are great athletes, in our own ways, but our efforts are dwarfed by those of the animal world. All we have to do is stand quietly and they put on a fine show.

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