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Friday, August 5, 2016

Dave Grisman - Dawg Music

Everybody has some days when they just don't feel right. Not depressed or even just sad, not sick, not tired, just not right. Well, I can recommend the best remedy for that, music, especially Dawg Music.

Dave Grisman is a mandolin player who spent years playing bluegrass music. You can hear him on a couple of Grateful Dead tunes, Friend of the Devil and Ripple. As time went on, he grew interested in the "hot jazz" as played by Stephen Grappelli and Django Reinhart in Paris in the 1920s. he also developed an interest in "klezmer" an import from Eastern Europe brought by Jewish immigrants, a dance music, sometimes very sentimental, and quite pretty.

In the 90s, he put together a band, and they put together these influences, and called it Dawg Music, Dawg being his nickname. The music is wonderfully performed, light, intricare a lovely.

I have never known anyone who could listen to this music without smiling. It is simply full of life and light. You can listen to a bit on line and can easily buy it through Amazon. I urge you to give it a listen; it is addictive.

Dawg Music has my personal guarantee; it will bring a twinkle to your eye, a smile to your face and a bounce to your step. It beats anti depressants and is safe for all ages to use.

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