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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Last Thoughts on the Olympics

The Games are over and, for once, I enjoyed them. I am surprised by that since usually I don't even watch them, but they went very well and NBC did a fine job presenting them.

I really thought having them in Rio was a bad idea, not just because of Zika, but because of the cities unsettled politics, heavy pollution and poverty, but, they pulled it off. Sure, there were problems but there are problems everywhere and they showed no more difficulties that you would find in any urban area.

I have come to the conclusion that, all too often, we, myself included, give into negativism, and, in doing so, lose out on chances to enjoy ourselves. If the individuals who ran these Games, in concert with the people of Brazil and all the athletes, from so many diverse backgrounds, can pull off something like this, then all of us, if we have the will, can make a lot of things work. If we display this same will, we can solve a lot of the World's problems. It just takes will, work and a determination to succeed.

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