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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Card Games

Do people still play cards? Not on line poker and such. Real games with a physical deck of cards and a live, in the flesh person sitting with you. I highly recommend it.

I know a lot of folks gamble at poker, black jack and such, and that is fine, if you don't get carried away and gamble next month's rent money. But there are many fine and fascinating card games that are a great way to pass time and interact with friends, a fine way to socialize.

We used to play all kinds of rummy, They are simple games; you can learn how in minutes (look for Hoyle's Book of Rules for Games) and can be played by all ages. Hearts is a fine game. I guess the first games I learned were War and Go Fish and Old Maid. Then came Gin Rummy and finally, my favorite, Canasta. Canasta is a complex game, full of strategy and a complete game take a very long time to play. On rainy afternoons and evenings we would play for hours. It can also be broken up into sessions. Play awhile, keep the score sheet, and get back to it later. There are many other games to choose from. My Grandfather loved Pinochle and an Uncle loved Cribbage.

I am thinking of learning to play Bridge, a game my folks played that I never learned. Those who play love the game because of its complex strategies.

I know, card games don't come with flashing lights and wild sound effects. You are not fighting inter terrestrial demons or blowing away demented criminals. Instead, you are sitting face to face with other human beings, and for my money  and a deck of cards cost almost nothing)s, that is a lot more fun than video games, and far better for you, mentally and spiritually.

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