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Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Night of the Hunter

We live in a violent world in violent times. The media rubs our noses in that everyday. Look at movies released and so many are excessively violent but, when you look closely, the violence is almost cartoonish. Most of the time, the villains are one dimensional, evil to the bone, barely more than cackling maniacs. An example: Heath Ledger's Joker.

Years ago, a great actor, Charles Laughton, directed a film, his only film as director, The Night of the Hunter. It was what was then called a 'B movie,' meaning it was low budget. Usually B movies had casts of stars who had never quite made it to the big time or who were on their way down the rankings.

This was an exception. It starred Robert Mitchum, Shelly Winters and Lillian Gish ( a hold over from silent movies, a fine actress). All are fantastic.

Without giving the plot away, I can say that it is about a con man and serial killer, but there is nothing simple or one dimensional about this man, a 'Preacher,' played to chilling perfection by Mitchum. Pay special attention to the Preacher's sermon. The story is complex and beautifully filmed and set at the perfect pace, slow enough to  allow character development and fast enough to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Most of all, it is human. Remember, no matter how frightening monsters and over-the-top lunatics are, nothing is as scary as a human being can be. The most ordinary, upstanding citizen may be a far worse menace than Hannibal Lector.

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