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Monday, July 4, 2016


Naps may seem an odd topic for this blog, but, in truth, naps are a great pastime and one of our species oldest ways of spending a little time. In fact, just about every animal spend a bit of time dozing. Today, being a day off for many, is a good time to revive this old pastime.

The techniques vary. Some like to stretch out in bed, others prefer a comfy chair. Many, especially on a summer day, like to lay in a lounge chair in the Sun ( just don't get burned). There are a lot of folks like me, who have bad backs and find the nice, hard living room floor the ideal spot.

Surrounding are another factor. Many like a dark room, some a sunny spot, and many can nap anywhere. Soft music is favored by some, TV by others, and dead silence by yet others. I always found baseball an ideal accompaniment to a nap.

Have too much to eat? Or maybe a beer to many at lunch? Stretch out and snooze a bit. Planning a late evening? Then you definitely need a nap. Just stressed and exhausted from work? You must let yourself doze a while.

Tired, but not sleepy? Stretch out a bit anyway and let your mind drift. Even if you don't fall asleep, that time spent daydreaming refreshes the soul.

Have a problem you're working on. Many artists and scientists find that napping clears their mind and often, what was confused, suddenly becomes crystal clear.

If you have some time to waste, you may want to consider indulging in one of mankind's oldest ans sweetest pastimes, napping.

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