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Friday, July 29, 2016


I would like to recommend another near forgotten movie. As I have said, I have a thing about fine artistry that is in danger of being forgotten. Scarecrow, a 70s movie is just such a film.  I have also said that I like movies about real life situations. This movie also fits that description.

It stars Gene Hackman and Al Pacino, both of whom were at the top of their game when this was made. They are 2 guys who meet hitchhiking (yes, there was a time when you could safely do that and get rides). Hackman's character is an ex-con with a bit of money in the bank, on his way to Pittsburg to buy a laundry mat, which he feels is his path to security. He is an ill tempered man who, reluctantly, grows to like Pacino's character, an ex-sailor on his way home to see his wife and his young son, a child he has never seen.

The 2 decide to go into business together after detouring to see Pacino's boy and, as to be expected, experience a few adventures along the way. So far, I know that sounds sort of mundane, but that is the point. They are ordinary guys. However, they are ordinary guys played by extraordinary actors. Both are hilariously funny and the incidents ring very true to life. It serves as a reminder of just how incredible ordinary life is.

For the most part, the movie is extremely funny, and, then, as is so often true in life, it isn't. The end is heartbreaking but, it also shows a noble and compassionate side of humanity, the tenderness toward friends that men are all too often afraid to show.

If you get a chance, get hold of this movie. You will find it well worth your time.

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