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Monday, July 11, 2016


People, well some, are interested in healthy pursuits. Those who aren't, would probably be better off if they at least moved around a bit more. But, exercise equipment and gym memberships are costly and, let's be honest, it gets boring doing rep after rep of any exercise

I know a lot of folks like to go bike riding and that is a great idea, but a good bike is expensive and, at times, you take your life in your hands, especially in urban environments. But, there is an alternative. Hiking.

Actually, I am just talking about walking, but I know that giving it an alternative name helps sell the idea, so I'll call it hiking.

What equipment do you need? Some comfortable clothes, suitable to the weather, and some sturdy, comfortable shoes. That's it. Maybe, if you are hiking in the wilderness, you would change those shoes for some sturdy boots, but that's about the only change you might need. Also, if you are going a long way, maybe something to carry some water and a snack in, nothing fancy, just something you can carry easily.

Where to walk? Most anywhere, but use common sense. It probably isn't a great idea to stroll through a high crime area or in a park at 2 AM. In a city, there are often parks that have nice walking trails (just don't go there when they're closed), but even walking around your neighborhood or through a shopping district can be fun.

Walking in wilder areas is beautiful, be they hills, meadows, forests, or, for you hardier folks, mountains. If you are in a State or National Park, they usually will have signs, guiding you along safer paths, pointing out landmarks and warning you of the presence of wild animals. Pay attention to these signs. Always, when hiking in wild places, watch for animals. Wild animals are just that, wild. Keep an eye out for snakes; they won't bother you if you don't startle them, so look at them, from a distance and move on. Small predators, like foxes, and even coyotes, are not going to try to eat you. They may even watch you. This is because they are mammals and mammals are, by nature, curious but, this dies not mean they want to play or be petted. They are not like dogs, so leave them alone. Same applies to wildcats. Bears are a different matter. Seeing a bear, at a distance, is a wonderful thing; seeing them up close, is not. Bears are unpredictable and they may decide to attack and they may not. If you see them at a distance, they can smell you, so leave, as quickly and quietly as you can.

In light of recent events, let me say a word about alligators. I grew up in Florida and we always had them around. Then, they were shy around humans and, unless startled or in the middle of mating season, they would hurriedly get away from you when you got close.  Then the folks who moved into condos near canals started feeding them. Guess what, now they are not shy and they kind of expect lunch from you, Stay away from them.

If you use a bit of sense, hiking is a wonderful pastime. Walk as far as you want, as fast as you are comfortable with, and as often as you wish. It's great exercise and a very relaxing to the soul.

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