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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Holidays

Hope everyone had a great Thankgiving. Now, the holidaus begin. Now the insanity starts. But, it can be a sweet insanity.

You do not have to go over the top. No need for 30 foot trees or ebough lighrs to be seen from outer space. You do not have to buy everyone several $10,000 gifts

Little Tommy does not need his own drone and Little Mary does not nee outfits from top designeres. If they disagree, you need to have a long talk with them/
Men do not need new BMWs and women do not need 500 carat diamomds. And nobody needs to go to every party in the USA.

Nor do any of us need to dine on champagne, caviar and pate for every holiday meal

What we all need is to around friends and family. We need to celebrate without indulging to the point of blatant debauchery. Perhaps, most of all, we need to remember the jots of giving, sharing and charity.

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a Happy and prosperous new Year to us all.


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