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Monday, November 13, 2017

Turkey day is almost here and to many, it means stress and sweat. It should not. If you can't have fun, don't bother.

Don't stress about the food. Cook what you're comfortable with, buy the rest pre-cooked. Don't think you have to do it all yourself/ Accept help, all you can get. Use disposable pans and even throw away plates and cups, unless you have volunteers to help wash dishes.

Try to find ways to lesson alcohol consumption. I drink a little and have nothing against folks getting a bit buzzed, but you do not want Uncle Fred passing out or Aunt  Mary staring drunken spats with Mom.

Many will want to watch football after the meal. Let them. I hate football, but will watch and act like I enjoy it to please guests. Others will want to shop. Not me and I won't do that, but I will tell them to have fun and hurry back for leftovers.

For others, find a ball to throw around, take a ling walk, heck, play 9 holes of golf. anything to have some fun.

Remember, fun and fellowship is the whole point of the day.

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

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