
See my Facebook Page - John Wright @ Facebook.com

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Un recent days, as I continue to struggle with fading vision, I have found a new form of entertainment. I have discovered quiet. Basically, it is just that, turning off Tv, music, everything I can, and listening.

The first thing you notice is that there is really very little silence. The World is gilled with little sounds. Animals call and cry, pace and flutter and call to fellow critters. There is always the rumble and roar of various machines and sounds of the neighbors hurrying about. They are doing construction nearby and here and there I hear the dull thud of stump blasting.

Listening to all of these sounds, blending together is nice, sort of an improvised concerto for man, machine and animals, in harmony with the rush of wind and rain rustling the plants, topped of with blasts of thunder makes for as pleasant a concert as I gave heard in years.

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