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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Be Careful Outdiirs

Where I am, in S. Georgia, it is hot and muggy. I suppose that's true almost everywhere. Still, we al want to be outdoors as much as we can before winter blows in.

That;s fine if you use some sense. Don't spend too much time in the Sub. Stay hydrated ( you don't have to drink constantly, just a good drink of water before you head out) Gp easy pn alcohol. It dehydrayes. If you get headachy, get someplace cool and get some water. Of you stp[ sweating, get to a hospiyal; you ate suffering from heat stroke.

If you have pets, please give them shade, rest and access to water. If they look tired or over heated, get them to a cool spot, even if they want to keep playing.

Try to avoid being out at sunrise or sunset That's when mosquitoes are abundant. Where I live, there are cases of Weat Nile fever and in Florida, there is some Zika. Id you mist be out then, wear long sleeve and long pants, loose fitting and use Off on exposed skin.

Enjot these last summer days, bit use a little care

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