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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Country Music

I was brought up hearing Country music. One of the 1st records I heard was Hank Williams I loved all of them, from George Jones to Loretta to Willie and Merle. Well, while waiting for the cable and internet to come back after Irma, I listened to what passes for Country radio. I had no choice. That was all that was coming in where I live.

Here and there, I hears a song or 2 that were pretty good. Just a few. <ostlu. , I heard guys with a twang in their voice singing arena rock with a fiddle or steel guitar tossed in. They did not understand that real Country music is simple. It definitely not meant to be noisy.

There is also a decidedly violent edge to a lot of it, especially songs by women about their cheating men. Leaving them is one thing, but these ladies seem bent on mayhem And the guys all seem, uh, let me say less than manly. Well, not all, but a lot. They are bots who don't want to grow up. What happened to the rugged, stoic men who worked and raised kids and ,usually acted like grown ups

The decline of the American male is easily seen in the current state of Country music.

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