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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A New Recaissance

The Renaissance came out of the Dark Ages, which were not as dark as we often think, but they were at least gloomy. Our current age of violence and degradation of the human mind and spirit needs to end.

I am not given to overstatement bit can anyone deny the soulless quality of today's art. There is no music that deserves that noble bane. Electronic beeps, synthesized voices and relentless rhythm do not make music. When combined with inane lyrics, you have a plain mess. Yet those so-called artists ,ake fortunes. Take the various kinds of metal. O was no big Zepplin fan, but at least they did mire that bang out rhythm  over screeching guitars. And adding a fiddle or steel guitar does not make something country music.

The other arts? Well, all movie makers seem able to do is make super hero movies taken from como9c books. TV is far worse. Even the made for cable shows like Twin Peaks and various similar productions are incoherent messes that seem to have their fans convinced that they hold deep occult secrets. Trust me. They don't.

Literature? Well, I see little evidence of any. Here and there, some genre fiction shows up that is worthwhile, even excellent, but most writing just lacks soul.

I know little of current painting and sculpture, but I have seen nothing impressive.

The Renaissance started with artists taking old ideas and blending them with new ideas, What emerged was wonderous. We need such a rekindling of creativity today.

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