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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Keep It Real

I read a few blogs, here and there, and I am noticing a disturbing trend. We seem to be concentrating a wee bit too much on some very bizarre entertainment.

I am noticing a bear morbid obsession with the return of Twin Peaks. Folks, let me tell you, the show is drivel. Lynch is throwing out blobs of dream sequences and they are the dreams of a deranged mind. I dream a lot and very vividly, but my dreams are not filled with murder and occult madness. Lynch is dangerous, either totally and near psychopathically insane  or he is engaging in some sort of black magic ritual to seriously damage the minds of Americans. Or he could just be a conman, laughing all the way to the bank at the idiots paying him a big bunch of money to make this crap Ir, maybe, all 3; they're not mutually exclusive. It is disturbing to see intelligent Americans examining every scene in each episode, determined to find great meaning where there is none..

In addition, we have a plethora of movies coming out based on comic books. How many movoes can we make about Batman, Spiderman and Superman. Do we really need a movie about Thor fighting the battle of Ragnarok (its been done, see World War 2 for the reality version_ And must we see the Hulk, again

All of this violent mythology is dangerous, The conjuring of archetypes is .is not healthy. Ask Carl Jung, who if alive, would tell you that these mythic images are to be overcome in the process of becoming an authentic human being. Stop bringing up the images of violent, damaged, somewhat crazed superheroes. They are damaging.

We used to make movies about real people; heroes, yes, but just humans who rose to the occasion.

Personally, for entertainment, I watched The Open this weekend, For drama, ytension and heroism, on a human level the battle between Kuchar and Speith beat all the superhero movies by a wide margin, and it was real,

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