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Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The consumption of food is a necessity but it is often a simple, pleasant pastime. Dinners with friends and family are a fine way to spend some quality time.

To take eating from the realm of necessity to the realm of pleasant pastime is simple. Just take some time, relax and add a few nice touches. Use the good dishes and stemware and the good utensils. Use nice bowls to serve and decent napkins. Make a table centerpiece, nothing fancyl a vase with a few flowers will do. Dress up the food using a variety of garnishes.

Most of all, make the time special. Turn off the TV. Play some appropriate music, Motzart is more appropriate than Zepplin, and Grover Washington more appropriate than Jane's Addiction. Ban cell phones and Ipads from the room.

Or, if having people over to watch football, set up a nice, simple buffet and set out iced tubs of beer. Have a barbeque and play country music a serve on paper plates with wads of paper towels.

In other words, create an atmosphere and, then, relax and have some fun.

Even if you live alone, you can turn meals into a nice pastime. {;ay your favorite music, treat yourself to a nice wine, and eat off nice plates using real glasses. Even if you can't cook, put that frozen or take out dinner on a plate and sit at the table to eat. Make the atmosphere different

Even breakfasts and lunches on work and school day's can be a nice pastime. Just do something out of the ordinary, a special treat or abstinence from news and business talk before setting off to the day's madness is a way to turn a necessity into a pleasure.

Take the time, at least occasionally, to make eating into a pleasant pastime.

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