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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Entertainment, the Internet, and Your Health

Recently, I have had a bit of a scare. My vision started going. I could see little with my left eye and the vision in my right eye became almost as bad. This is partly due to age, partly to severe allergic reactions to my new neighbor's cat (I will be moving very soon because of the tiny little creature and her toxic dander-she loves to sit outside my door to groom), and, in large part to my excessive time on the computer.

I do not game, but I am a voracious reader and have spent long hours reading. Books are very expensive, so reading on line seemed a fine solution Also, I watched a bit of sports and a few short films. All for very little cost, so it seemed a great idea                                

Well, on top of my other problems, I seemed to have nearly fried my retina. Things are improving. I can now read large type and can use my computer to write a little, so long as I take long, long breaks.

My advice to one and all is simple. Find ways to entertain yourself away from your computer Use it for needed business and needed research. Take long breaks and find a screen glare reducer. Set your letters to a very large print.
 Computers are very useful, but please minimize your usage. Not being able to see is not a lot of fun.

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