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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

July 4th

I am going to allow myself to become a bit nostalgic, something I try to avoid. All those long years ago, when I was a kid, the 4th of July was special. The town had a parade, not much, but fun. Then, it was off to my Grandma's house where my Uncle would already have his barbeque fire started.

We had no elaborate frill, just a half oil drum mounted on legs. He was a machinist and made it himself. Ribs and chicken were tended to by him alone (well, with the help of a bit of vodka). Grandma made potato salad, cole slaw and corn on the cob and an angel food cake. We feasted, told stories, played games and, come dark, took off for a local drive-in movie ( a now extinct enterprise) where, for a very small charge, you could sit and see a grand fireworks display. Then home and to bed.

Looking back, it wasn't much, but we all had a fine time. Now, it seems that most businesses are open on the 4th, few towns bother with parades and the whole fun spirit seems\s th have gone away. Ah well, such is life. I have no problem with change, but I have a big provlem with change that brings no good. We have lost a lot.

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