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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Think Small when Seeking Entertainment

America, from the Super Bowl to huge Concerts, has become way to fond of huge spectacles. I am not sure why. Often, they are overcrowded and not that interesting. And then, there is the price.

For example, the rock band, The Who, has just signed to regularly play Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. Tickets start at $70 and go up to $500. This for a band that has done nothing of not for at least 35 years. Still, I have no doubt that they will sell out.

It costs a small fortune to take a family of 4 to a big time sports event, even if you sit in the cheap seats.

There are alternatives, not as glamorous, but still vastly entertaining, at a much cheaper price. Most cities and towns have some local attractions, museums, concerts, parks, local theater groups. A lot of bars feature musicians who are every bit as talented as the big time stars.

A lot of towns have minor league teams that play fairly decent games, and most every town has high school athletics that are fun to watch.

The point is this. Do not buy into the hype. You can have a great evening of entertainment at a very low cost.

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