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Thursday, March 23, 2017


There is a time for everything. I love writing about books and movies, sports and music, but today, no.

I want to alarm you, make you think, so this blog will be short, to the point, and no fun at all.

We, not just America, but the whole World, are facing a problem of enormous magnitude. A species of bees has been declared endangered, and we have long known that many other types of bees are dying, from various causes, at an alarming rate.

Without bees, many crops will not be pollinated, crops will cease to grow, and famine will set in. This will likely be a fairly sudden event and it will be catastrophic.

Please, now and then, here and there, do some research on this issue. Use the internet for something other than gaming and Netflix. Find a way to pressure your political representatives to face this issue and learn what you can do yourselves.

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