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Monday, October 3, 2016

The Ryder Cup - We Win!

America finally won another Ryder Cup. It was a fine series of matches. The golf was excellent and I have seldom seen so much enthusiasm, both from the participants and the crowds/

For once, the American team was able to put their differences aside and function as a team. The Europeans always seem to manage that, but we Americans are such an individually oriented society that we generally can't do it. It generally is not in us. But, for once, we managed.

Golf is an individual sport. You have to be self centered when on the course to play well and team play is unnatural. But, it can be done. It's just a delicate balancing act/

To be fair to the Europeans, they had 6 first time players on the team. This matters because the pressures of the Ryder Cup are extreme. You are playing for yourself, your team and your country. In addition, the crowds are rabid. First time players generally don't do well. This year, Thomas Pieters and Brooks Kepka, both rookies, are to be commended for excellent play.

If you missed the Ryder Cup, you missed a great show.

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