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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Thank God for Books

I have not written for a while. In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, we ere without power for a day and a half, without cable for 8 days, and without the internet for 10 days. Without books, I would have been a wee bit crazy.

I had not been reading a lot for awhile. I relaxed and read, slowly and with great pleasure w fine books James Ellroy's Perfidia. Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding Edge, Frank Herbert's Dune (a reread, but worthwhile) and Clive Barker's The Scarlet Gospels.

It was a true delight to settle back and ease through these very different, but very fine novels.

Reading does something movies and TV can't do. They release the imagination. The words paint pictures which your mind's eye makes visible. It is a fine form of entertainment.

So, I would hearitly recommend that, from time to time, you turn off the electronics and settle back with a good novel.

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