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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Are Yiy Really Being Entertained?

I do not watch a lit of TV anymore, Not only do I not have tie, I am not entertained by the programs,

I hear of Twin Peaks 2 and X File returns and I simply have no desire to see them. Same with all the shows like Game of Thrones and Stranger Days and Mr. Robot and I know that if I watch them, I will feel a I will not be entertained. I will feel assaulted. This is the same issue I have with heavy metal music/ Yes, there is talent, but why would any sane person subject themselves to such depraved viciousness.

I am not naïve, far from it, but I feel no need to keep reviewing the nasty side of the world. I certainly do not find it enjoyable to watch, anymore than I would enjoy watching a gang rape or a dog being tortured.

Keep your mind where it should be, on jot, wisdom and light. It u so easy to lose yourself in the dark, If you are truly enjoying the dementia found in so much of our current media, maybe you should rake a close look at yourself and consider some therapy.

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