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Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Spring is here. I hope that where you live is as lovely as the day is here in Georgia, 75 degrees, little humidity, cool breezes and just enough clouds to ease the glare of all that sunshine. Well, if you are not that fortunate, hang in, because Spring will touch you soon (and here, I a few days, it will be 90, humid and likely to rain).

Whenever the nice weather hits your area, enjoy it. There is no recreation, no pastime, and free and pleasant as a fine Spring day. Take advantage.

Go walking or bike riding. Find a nice outdoor cafĂ© and have a cup of coffee and a snack, Tend to your garden. Play with the dog/ Or simply sit outside and watch the World go by. It is hard to imagine a finer way to spend the day, unless it's finding a nice lounge chair by a pool and napping in the pleasant, warm,, but not too warm, sunshine.

Whatever you do, do not waste a find Spring day with worry and stress. Work, if work you must, but not too hard, and save a few minutes to enjoy the day. All too soon, the long, hot Summer will be here.

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