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Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Power of Orchestras

A few years back, we went to a Pops Concert done by a Symphonic orchestra. I had not heard an full orchestra for many years and I was floored. I spent many a day during the years of my strangely spent youth, attending rock concerts. They were, universally, loud.

But, loud is not necessarily powerful. There is something about a full orchestra, with the intertwining of all of the instruments, that is overwhelmingly powerful. I believe it is because, with the various sounds, the orchestra is more effective at creating a kind of sensory overload. The music just takes over your mind and emotions and sends waves of vibrations through all of your body.

Rock, which I love, is more of a visceral experience. Powerful, yes, but somehow limited, both by the nature of the music( rhythmically simple), and the fact that you can only get so many sound out of one drummer, a bass, a guitar, and maybe a keyboard (even with electronic attachments and enhancements).

Hearing a live, full orchestra is not an option available everywhere, but many larger cities do have symphonies. Now, if Classical music is not your cup of tea, fine. However, many symphonies, especially around various holidays, put on Pop Concerts. They are a bit less formal and a lot of fun and, best of all, frequently the ticket prices are lower. If you have a chance to attend either a Pop Concert or a full on symphony and can afford it, by all means, go. I promise that you will be amazed at the sound.

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